Osteopathische Therapie
Since 2015, coordination of research in the context of degree theses by IAO students in German-
speaking countries - four resulting projects:
Osteopathy for infantile postural asymmetry (ObiH)
Osteopathy for cervicogenic headache (OZKS),
Osteopathy for cervicothoracic outlet syndrome (OTOS),
Osteopathy for low back pain (OLBP)
Book projects: Co-authorship of the textbook by Kia, T.: Integrative Osteopathie bei Rückenschmerz. Urban & Fischer/ Elsevier 2013
Klemm, S., Spiertz, M., Asche, M., 2022. ObiH - Osteopathy for infantile postural asymmetry and plagiocephaly (Part 2). Osteopat. Medicine 23, 26-31.
Spiertz, M., Asche, M., Klemm, S., 2022. ObiH - Osteopathy for infantile postural asymmetry and plagiocephaly (Part 1). Osteopat. Medicine 23, 20-25.
Klemm, S.: Occlusion disorders and mobility of the cervical spine. Manual Medicine 2009; 47(6):255-60
Klemm, S.: Interactions between the Craniomandibular System and Cervical Spine. Diplomica Publishing House 2008
Klemm, S.; Borgmann, B.; Lüssenhop, S.: The little back primer of the Rehberg Clinic. Clinic brochure of the Rehberg-Klinik; specialised clinic for orthopaedics
and internal medicine 2002
- Klemm, S.: A small joint with a big impact. Head-shoulder-neck problems or just a temporomandibular joint problem? ClicClac
2009; 56: 10-1
Lecturing/ symposia:
- 2022 Presentation of the study "Osteopathy in cervicogenic headache" at the annual conference of the OEGO - Austrian Society
for Osteopathy
2016 International Conference on Research in Osteopathic Medicine (ICROM 1, Munich) "Treatment of positional plagiocephaly in infantile postural
2016 Society for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Healthcare Sector (GIZ Focus Days, Vienna): Lecture "Osteopathy and cervicogenic
2015 Day of Science of the Osteopathy School Germany (Berlin): Lecture "Occlusion disorders and effects on the cervical spine and LBH region"
2013 GIZ Focus Days (Vienna): Lecture "Osteopathy for unspecific low back pain"